lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014

A Wrong Choice

Jonas now can see beyond the things and can feel and see the colors. On this chapters he received the memory of war and was able to see all war that had happened before. Now he is better on being the receiver and now he understands it better so when The Giver was feelings pain Jonas helped him and he felt better, The Giver is very proud about Jonas he had been a good person and have learned fast. Jonas have been asking to himself what wrong choices the society have made and what they can do so the future gets better. While I was Reading my thoughts about Jonas and that Gabe may be brothers were more strong, Jonas was able to make Gabe felt asleep when no one else can. The chapters are more interesting every time, as Jonas that is getting better on being the receiver. 

The Giver begin to suffer a lot pain and now that Jonas is more advance being a receiver on memory he help him and give him a mainghtfull memory so he will not suffer that much. On chapter 15 on page 118 The Giver told Jonas to take some of his pain and said: "Please, “he gasped, "take some of this pain."When I begin reading the book I thought that on that society they don't suffer pain, and less the person more important (the giver).Well they don’t have as much pain as our society but we can see that pain is everywhere. I think that with to many pain life will not make sense as with no pain , pain is part of life and everyone has to be fine with that because life when is only perfect and doesn’t have problems will not be a good life.



This society doesn’t suffer any pain so in my point of view that is not a good life. Jonas is going throw a lot of memories and experiences that are very special. This book have really cap everyone attention and make us have a lot of mysterious feelings. Now that Jonas is able to see beyond his life is getting more challenged and interesting.


lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Different way of looking to life.

It was the first time Jonas was going to meet with The Giver. This man gave Jonas different memories of something’s like snow, sunshine, sun burn. He began to imagine very awesome memories with those tree memories the old man give to him. While Jonas was so amazed with this he began to find the color red on Fiona’s hair, he was learning fast and be able to see beyond. Because of Jonas ability the old man decided to give him the memory of rainbow. Jonas have been learning very fast and giving good results with the things the giver ask him to make.


As we were talking in class about the difference between Honor and Power I been asking myself what is the difference between Honor and Power on Jonas society? I found this quote on page 84: ¨The man correct him. Honor, he said firmly. I have a great Honor. So will you. But you will find that  is not the same as power¨. The old man is very sure that what he has honor and not power. Is the definition of power and honor different from us?

In conclusion these chapters have been very important and Jonas has a different point of view about life. He have learned new things and have be able to understand better the perspective of his job.I think that Jonas will be happy to keep meeting with the old man so he can have more of this memories that he liked so much.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

The Giver 5 to 8

On chapters 5 to 8 have happend a lot of important things. First Jonas had his first stirrings with Fiona and her mom gave him a pill so that wont happen again. He dirent want that his feelings for Fiona dissapear but he had no choice. After that Jonas was going to finally have his job he was the 20th to recive the job. Jonas was after Fiona and when it was Jonas time they skiped him. When the ceremony was coming to the end they told Jonas that he had been selected to be the next receiver of memories. Jonas was not so happy with his job , althought  it was the most important and the most difficult to get. Another thing that happend in this chapters is that baby Gabe have one year more on the nurturing center.Finallly this chapters have been very intrestings.

I have been thinking on this quote when Jonas eats the pills on page 39 "But the feelings had dissappeared.The strrings were gone". I ask to my self how can it exist a society as the one Jonas live in. Everyone is allowed to choose what they want and i really cannot understand that some one has to eat pills so they can stop feeling stirrings for a person.

In conclusión in this chapters i have many connections to the real world.It has been very intresting and it capt my attenton. Being selected for the most important job in Jonas society is a good thing and i think jonas has to appreciate more that.I also think that if Jonas is in love with Fiona he dont have to lose her because of the pills.

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

The Giver 1 to 4

Jonas lives in a community that everything is ruled all people in this society are the same so there is no diversity.He was very nervous about the job that he was going to get.Jonas was a kind of person that was out standing and responsable for his actions.The community was all controlled by the Elders.They tried to govern by equality but they don't realize the sooner or later the community is going to rebel. Jonas father brings a new baby to his house called Gabe that was similar as Jonas.When he goes to the House Of The Old his meets this new friends Fiona and Asher.

While I was Reading Ifound a quote that really makes me think of something.On page 20 that are talking about the eye colors of Gabe they say "It was the first thing Jonas noticed as he looked at the newchild peering up curiously from the bascket.The pale eyes".I wonder why does Jonas is so impressed of Gabe eyes,and why are they so different if in that society being different was bad.

In this daysIi have enjoy a lot this book , I have a lot of mistery in what would be Jonas job.I also have a lot of predictions and questions about this book , but i really recomend  to people to read it.I recomend to people who like to read and also to people that dont like because i am sure that when you begin reading it you will not stop.

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

I think this book will be about a boy (Jonas) that lifes a perfect life but not real life.Jonas will have to face the truth of his life and is going to pass throught many adventures.He will find a person that has all of the memories he has.It will be very difficult that Jonas becaeme to life a new type of life because now nothing is planned.In conclution i think this book will be fun and the dystopia is going to be intresting.

What Lowry says on the dedication page is that the future depends on the childrens of now.They can make a big change and on this book we might learn things that can help us on the future.

I think that on this book Jonas will learn a new type of living a life that is also going to help us the readers.